Beloved Belief : Believe. Create. Grow




“Life happens for us, not to us” is a quote that the co-author, Fernandez tends to use, especially when matters of everyday life show some form of unexpected difficulty.

How he came to identify with that saying is from his inherent faith in God. Though he had an understanding of God, for many years he was not educated on the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. This would lead him to live contrary to the word of God and as he puts it “I was in the universe, or I was in the spirit realm, spinning without any compass.”

But God’s purpose for Fernandez did not cease. Subsequently by the grace of God, he unknowingly developed a pedagogy of Jesus Christ centered education. “And Jesus said to them, follow me, and will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19) All from living his own life and reflecting on his past traumas. Imagine the trauma of facing 20 years in prison for a crime that you didn’t commit, losing a dad to suicide, being homeless for years and meeting the love of your life then to almost lose them in divorce.

By no means should any person believe that the trauma from these experiences is needed as a means of education or growth. The trauma from these aforementioned events all seemed normal to Fernandez, a Baltimore native who grew up believing pain of the sort was the right of passage to becoming a man. This was not only his reality but also for many others who lived their lives in survival mode. Fernandez, like many of us, was living in sin and was experiencing the products of his cognitive dissonance and cognitive dissidence. By bringing people together with different talents and gifts, God is able to take us beyond what we might be able to do alone. The Holy Spirit is a major part of the union between Dr. Warner A. Richards and Fernandez “Live” Womack which led to the content of this book.


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